Wednesday 26 June 2013

Moving to Wordpress!

After using Wordpress for school and getting fairly comfortable with it I've decided I like it better than Blogger. I will be starting to blog on Wordpress under the name Notebooks + Glitter so look out for me there!


Monday 17 June 2013

Here's some little things I did with that newspaper!

Hello all!
Busy summer over here!
I've been working on some professional projects to beef up my portfolio so I've been kind of neglecting this blog.
I wanted to show you the newspaper flowers/ball-things that I made just after my last post!

I hung them just above my bed and they're a pretty sight to wake up to every morning! (Except a couple of times I woke up in the middle of the night, looked up and was all "OMG monsters!!")

I used this tutorial!

Try it out!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Crafty things to do with newspaper

I got a free subscription to the Globe & Mail through school, so it comes to my house. Everyday. And it seems I keep forgetting to cancel the damn thing. It's not that I don't like the Globe & Mail, I just don't like newspapers. They're awkward to read; they always get that weird crease that prevents you from turning the page; the ink gets all over your fingers. Ugh! No.
Since I have tonnes of these untouched newspapers laying around I decided I should probably do something with them.
Here are a bunch of tutorials for pretty things I've found, all using newspaper.

How to make beads from recycled newspaper from A Storybook Life

Various paper garland ideas from Project Wedding
I couldn't find the source for this one, but here's the pin.

Recycled magazine waste basket from Apartment Therapy
Tissue paper flowers from It All Started With Paint

Happy folding, or painting, or rolling, or whatever.


Friday 3 May 2013

... I drew a dapper velociraptor

Try saying that five times fast!
I just got a Wacom Bamboo Splash Pen and Tablet from Amazon the other day and I've been trying to get comfortable with it. My best friend says "draw me a dinosaur!". I happily complied!
Now, I acknowledge that my drawing skills are in the mediocre-average range, but come on! I worked hard on this!

Not only is he dapper, he's got gaaaaaame! ;)
It took me about 4 hours with coffee and Reddit breaks. I think my friend named him Ferdinand (Ferdi for short). 
I can now say I'm pretty comfortable with my new tablet!
